V6Calibra.com Archive now hosted on CC.net!

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V6Calibra.com Archive now hosted on CC.net!

by Cliff » Sun Oct 09, 2016 12:31 pm

Hi all,

V6Calibra.com (and .net in later years) has been down for quite some time now. I noticed various posts on here and other Cally forums linked to it resulting in the information being incomplete or broken. I do not know who the original owner was so have been unable to seek permission to host but in the hope that he/she will not mind, I have taken steps to host this very valuable Calibra content on cc.net

To access:
Click on V6Calibra Archive in the navigation bar - if you have changed the default site theme from Quarto Asphalt that I installed on the site when I took over administration, you will not see this link without changing back to it.

To get back from the archive:
At the top left of the main index page is a "Go back to ClubCalibra.net" link to bring you back here.

Navigating within the archive:
Click on the respective links from the main index page - to get back to the main index page click on the Calibra picture either at the top left or top right.

Should the original content owner object to us hosting this on his/her behalf, please contact me directly and we can discuss taking it back down.

Andrew (Cliff)
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Re: V6Calibra.com Archive now hosted on CC.net!

by CallySpencer » Sun Oct 09, 2016 12:36 pm

Glad to see this saved, was gutted when it wasnt there anymore :band:
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