Enhancements list for the new site

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Enhancements list for the new site

by Cliff » Sat May 28, 2016 6:43 pm

This thread is for me to collect action items for me to work on with the new look site based on feedback from others.

Nothing....come on guys :)

- Replace feed active/new/unread text links with buttons
--- DONE: Added To Main Navigation Bar after "Club Membership"; removed unanswered and unread links - site now more aligned with pro silver theme (original site theme) - let me know if you find the navigation buttons more usable
- "Fix" active/new feeds which seem to completely clear for some users after they view once
--- DONE: I believe this is now working correctly - I have tested with two users, please let me have feedback if it's not working as expected and provide as much detail as possible
- Placeholder action - Dan's comment about fragmented reading - pending more info so I don't fix the wrong thing!
--- DONE: Dan reported back that this seems to be working OK now
- Table formatting for SE9 list
--- DONE: Formatting improvements applied to the stylesheet, increased the width of the topic areas so it should be wider now on your screen; added horizontal (bottom) scroll bars to allow scrolling on posts when they cannot fit on the screen

Will not be fixed/implemented:
- Add a test forum where members can practice with new added features without populating the main forums with noise
--- NOT DONE: In discussion admins were concerned it will become a bit of a dumping ground with all kinds of mess - for trials members can feel free to try as they post in the normal forums and if they make a mess can either delete/clean-up/edit their own posts or ask admin for support
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Re: Enhancements list for the new site

by Cliff » Wed Jun 01, 2016 1:05 am

Hi Guys & Girls

Several improvements applied, some perhaps more visible than others. I will continue to maintain the above post but need your feedback to do so.

Going forward, after discussion with the other admins, I will only maintain the new style - that means that when I add new features/make changes, it will be to the new style only.

Old styles will NOT be removed so will still be there for you to use - but of course over time the functionality gap between old and new will grow.

So in summary, I'd rather get the new style working for all in a good way - and the only way for me to know it isn't is if you speak up :shifty:

Thanks for your help!
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